About this project
Andrea Amati (1505-1577), who lived in Cremona, made the world’s first violin. In homage to him, the Digital Amati project seeks to advance our understanding of fundamental geometric structures in the design of classical string instruments. Like classical architecture, the design of these instruments is founded on geometric principles. We can bring to light computational aspects of that artistic history, using a new programming language vernacular that describes traditional methods of design.

We explain seventeenth-century knowledge of these artistic and inherently computational structures in software, using a domain-specific programming language.

AmatiML: the geometry engine
Computational thinking about art
What does this ``geometry engine'' language look like? How do you say things in it?
What does this have to do with instrument design?
What does the code for an instrument outline look like? What do you get when the code is run?
How are drawings used to build instrument forms?